Marsha Mateyka Gallery      email:



Artists Represented

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Jae Ko

             Installations                                      Solo exhibitions at the gallery
            2008 -- 2018                                   2012                                    2014

Sculpture  (Page 1)

JK489, 2016                                                                                                         (side angle view)
rolled paper, glue and ink
21 x 22 x 5.5 inches

JK487, 2016                                                                                                         (side angle view)
rolled paper, glue and ink
18 x 19 x 5.5 inches

JK486, 2016                                                                                                         (side angle view)
rolled paper, glue and ink
22 x 19 x 6 inches

JK488, 2016                                                                                                         (side angle view)
rolled paper, glue and ink
22.5 x 15 x 5.5 inches


JK324, 2005
rolled paper and Sumi ink,
15 x 19 x 5 inches

JK279, 2005
rolled paper and Sumi ink,
12.5 x 14.25 x 5 inches

JK232, 2003
rolled paper and Sumi ink,
49 x 26 x 6.5 inches

                Sculpture Pg1  |  Sculpture Pg2  |  Drawings  |  Installations