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Marsha Mateyka Gallery - Exhibition
Christopher French
New Paintings: "Inventions and Recollections"
March 19 - April 30, 2011
reception for the artist: Saturday, April 2, 3:00 - 5:00 pm

Recent review of this exhibition

Christopher French
Marsha Mateyka
Washington, D.C.
by Rex Weil
ARTnews, June 2011, p 116

Christopher French makes paintings that are abstractions in the fullest sense.  He records and distills the brilliant palette of nature and makes it intelligible without dampening its inherent mystery.  These new works are based on the landscape in and around Water Mill, New York, where French (an ARTnews contributor) moved three years ago.

Remains of the Day, July 7, 2010 is a chart of thickly painted stenciled circles, each reproducing a color observed on the day specified.  Pinks, coppers, crimsons, blues, and shadowy grays on a yellow background suggest surfaces lit by sunset.   The work is painted on Braille paper mounted on linen, a device that French has long employed.  French’s dots fill the paper’s tactile grid, creating a vocabulary of color.  Since the paper is designed for the visually impaired, a reminder emerges about the limits of human perception.   However, French’s composition is specifically calibrated for our sensory pleasure.

Tracing the Colors of the Sky (2010) features a different, more difficult compositional element.  The Braille grid is gone and the painting is mainly composed of squiggles, the shape of which French borrowed from the top of the “T” in the New York Times nameplate. A tightly woven pattern of these sinuous figures in gentle atmospheric tints is punctuated by a few acid-pink dots, which impart a surprising sense of flux.

A new series of works on paper that French calls “floral prototypes,” bearing such inscrutable names as Dotty Mycropsia (2010), shows amalgamations of real flora. Here, the artist varies his application and choice of materials, from washy watercolor backgrounds to scumbled petal flesh and incised filaments pressed into the paper.  With these paintings French underscores his commitment to the careful notation of nature’s infinite variety.                          --Rex Weil

New Paintings: "Inventions and Recollections"

Heat Index, 2009
acrylic on linen,
41.5 x 40.5 inches

I am a River Who Delights in Overflowing, 2011
oil and acrylic on linen,
41.5 x 43.5 inches

Tracing the Colors of the Sky, 2010
oil and acrylic on linen,
40.5 x 41 inches

Arrangiarsi, 2010
acrylic, flashe and watercolor on paper,
24.25 x 24.5 inches

My First Everything, 2010
acrylic, flashe and watercolor on paper,
24.25 x 24.5 inches

Contradictory Resemblances, 2010
oil, acrylic, flashe and glass bead on paper,
14 x 14.5 inches

Dotty Myxropsia, 2010
oil, acrylic and watercolor on paper
13.25 x 13.125 inches

Blue Harlequin, 2010
acrylic, flashe and watercolor on paper,
13.25 x 13.125 inches

Remains of the Day, October 19, 2010, 2010
Braille paper with oil and acrylic on linen,
20.5 x 21 inches

Remains of the Day, July 7, 2010, 2010
Braille paper with oil and acrylic on linen,
20.5 x 21 inches

                                             Available works by Christopher French

           This exhibition is included in a review by Mark Jenkins.
           The Washington Post, Lifestyle Section, April 8, 2011

           Galleries: William Newman's 'Ouroborus' and Christopher French's 'Inventions'